Back Workout - Dedication

When I was new to exercising, like everyone else I did exercising wrong. I used to 125 pounds at the same height I am now, 5'7. In summer of 2007 I started to do volunteering at "Kiwanas Outdoor Pool", located somewhere near O'Conner and Coxwell. I lived about 15 KM far from the pool, and I biked it down there every day; sometimes twice a week. To get there it would take me about 20 minutes because it was downhill, and to come back up it would take me twice as much. 

When I started grade 11, everyone started commenting on the size I had gained. Unintentionally, I was working out some of the bigger muscle groups, which is the main reason why I gained size that summer. I really liked the attention it got me, and so I got hooked to exercising. Today, I continue to workout and I love it. I have been working out constantly ever since and as each day goes by, I learn something new. 

The secret ingredient is patience and everything else will come with it. Understand that it took me two years to gain 25 pounds of pure muscle, with  a lot of hard work and sacrifices along the way. Today, I worked out my back and biceps, so I decided to share my routine with anyone of you whom I share the same goal with: "TO GET CUT!"

The first exercise was: " Hammer Strength Front Pull-Down"

35 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets
55 Pounds x 10 Reps x 3 sets
65 Pounds x 08 Reps x 3 sets


"Back Row Cable"

85 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets
100 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets
120 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets


"Lat Pull-Down"

85 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets
100 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets
120 Pounds x 12 Reps x 3 sets

When I first started to workout all i did was workout my biceps and abs. Many of the people who know me may still thing that but despite the fact that I have huge biceps for someone my size, that is not my main focus these days. It just comes naturally when you are focusing on different areas of your body. Today this was my little biceps workout: 

"Biceps Curls" : 35 Pounds x 8 Reps x 3 Sets

"21s" : 50 Pounds x 3 Sets.

This was my workout for the day. Try it! My arms are burning right this second as all I have in my hand is this pen, and notepad. 
