What could you do with 20 Million $?

I often ask people: What would you do if right this second you won 20 MILLION DOLLARS? Everyone has different answers of coarse. Some would travel the world, some would help the poor, some would quit their jobs, some would make more jobs.
      "I would party, really hard" - said one of my friends, Ian.
      "You're already doing that," - I replied.
Well what about you? Have you ever thought what you would do if you had 20 MILLION DOLLARS?
I have thought about my answer a few times, and by now I know exactly what I would do.

After doing the obvious stuff like helping your loved ones, paying your debt etc... I would buy myself a few bottles of some really nice scotch, a few beers, a few packs of cigarettes, and I would buy an apartment in the highest building of the warmest place with the most beautiful view and just write.  Write about what might you ask? I would write a book about everything, and nothing. I would wake up in the morning and after eating breakfast  I would hit up the gym. I happen to believe and make a living of :"One should always find time for their health, and exercise." The I would write while smoking my cigarettes and drinking my scotch for hours. Monday to Thursday I would do this. Who I'm I kitting? I could never give up my weekends. On Friday and Saturday I would visit places during the day, and party V.I.P style during night time. If God who doesn't ever get tired, rests on Sunday, then so will I. I would live this life style for about a year. At the end of the year I would have finished my book, or maybe even a screenplay and than get back to my old life, I wouldn't quit working, and just use that money for the rest of my life. That's too boring. I would risk all of it on something.

Yours truly,
