Predictions about 2012 According to the Mayan Calendar

Predictions about 2012 According to the Mayan Calendar
(This was my first blogpost ever)

Thousands of years ago the Mayans predicted that the world is going to end in December 23rd, 2012. Is this something that was made up? If so, people would have something to believe in; something to keep their minds busy, and wondering. The reason why people believe this so much, and the reason why they are scared by the idea is due to the fact that during their time (the Mayans) the technology was not too advanced. They predicted many eclipses where they were wrong only by a few seconds. The Mayan calendar began in 3114 B.C and their cycle ends in December 23rd 2012. Many people believe that it is going to be the end of the world, despite the fact that is not mentioned in the Mayan calendar.


The reason why people believe that the world is going to end in 2012 is because of a book called "The Maya", published in 1966. The authors exact words were: “There is a suggestion . . . that Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the thirteenth [baktun]. Thus … our present universe … [would] be annihilated on December 23, 2012, when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion”. The only factor the author has to come to this assumption ,is based on the fact that the calendar ends in 2012. However, they do not mention that it is going to be the end of the world. The calendar moves on beyond 2012; it just starts again all over from year 1.


The sun will for its first time in 26,000 years get in the same line as the Milky Way; thus creating big changes to our planets. However, there no actual scientific proofs that this will happen in 2012. For those who don't know, the Milky way is the home galaxy of our solar system and to earth. You can find between 100-400 billion stars in this galaxy, as well as, around 50 billion planets. Whatever changes the Mayans are talking about, we got nothing to worry about , as we do not have any actual scientific proofs that anything will happen. They believe that the new cycle of life will begin. Which can mean anything. As far as we know this whole time they could have predicted it wrong, and been talking about the technology which happen many years ago. Whatever happens it doesn't mean that its necessarily a bad thing.

