For those who smoke Cigarettes, and do not wish to quit.

Nicotine is the most addictive drug in the world. Even more addictive then heroine. Nicotine speeds up the brain, and central nervous system. It releases a chemical in your brain called dopamine. Dopamine makes you fell alert, boosts your mood, and it relaxes you. As you smoke more cigarettes, the more your body will get used to it. When your body gets used to a big intake of a big daily nicotine dosage, then you will start to fell low on energy when you don't have. Therefore, you will smoke up a cigarette to boost up your energy.

All this means that when you think about quiting smoking it is not you the one who is making the decision. It is just the addiction. Did you know that nicotine is a poison found in the tobacco plant, used as a defense system to protect the plant from insects. After you have been in the smoking habit for a few years, your chances of getter cancer will be 12 times more likely, then someone who doesn't. You will also have problems breathing and your heart with beat faster which can cause a heart-attack.

Why is quiting hard?
Like i said earlier, nicotine is more addictive then heroine. Quiting smoking is hard, because who doesn't want to fell good, and relaxed? However, if you quit smoking you will have it hard only for about a week, and then you will start to feel amassing about your self.

What helps quiting?
A date helps many people quit. When you set up a date, you are preparing for it mentally, and will have a higher chance of quiting.

In cigarettes you can find over 4,000 chemicals, most of which that can cause cancer. Some chemicals found in a cigarette are: Carbon Monoxide; Lead; Arsenic; Acetone ; Naphthalene, etc.. More people a year die from smoking cigarettes, then they do at: war, car accidents, alcohol, drug abuse, etc.

Cool Fun Facts
Trading cigarettes is one of the biggest trades in the world. Around 1 trillion cigarettes being sold from country to country, it does make $400 billion a year. American companies such as Malboro, Kent, Kool, own about 70% of the cigarette industry, world wide. In 1970, president Nixon banned cigarette commercials from television; thus making it 41 years without cigarette commercials. In most countries the legal age to buy smokes it is 18, but you can be any age to smoke it. Nicotine reaches your brain within ten minutes you have inhaled it.

I know that quiting smoking is hard, and its even harder with people around you telling you that you have to do it. Now let me ask you a question: Would you rather fell young, and good, and live live longer, because you don't smoke? or, Would you rather fell good, always low on energy, and die younger because you do smoke? If, that doesn't bother you, then think about the money you will be saving.

-Xhulio Vasiu
