Lost in New York

He was only nine years old and every night before he went to bed he always wanted to hear his favourite bed time story, “Lost in New York”. It was a story about a little boy who got lost in New York one night. He was lost only for two hours and during those two hours he had a lot of wonderful adventures. One night Tommy couldn’t fall asleep and he was very bored. He closed his eyes and tried to be in his fantasy world. He looked at the window and sneak outside. He wanted to go on his own New York Adventures. He followed the huge and shiny buildings of the Central New York. He saw a lot of tall buildings and among them the biggest clock Tommy had ever seen. He didn’t have much time, before his mom realised that he was still up. He saw a lot of stars and he saw the moon. He saw helicopters in the sky, and airplanes. Tommy wanted to go back home because he was late but he didn’t know how to get back. He tried remembering how he got there, but it was useless. It was getting very dark outside, and he was getting a little scared. He just started walking around, hoping to find his way back. He kept walking and walking until he started entering a very quiet neighbourhood. There were people sleeping on the ground everywhere. Tommy got scared even more so he started walking back. On the way back, a very old man was looking at Tommy. He was around his 60’s, he was wearing baggy clothes and he had a long white beard.
Are you lost? – said the old men very gently
Yes! –said Tommy on a very scared voice.
It is very dangerous for a young boy, such as yourself to be walking around these streets all alone during this time of night! – said the old men.
Tommy looked very scared so he started walking faster.
Would you like to try some of my delicious soup? You look very hungry, - said the old man
Tommy sat down, and the old man was right. That was the best soup. The old man told him that he has a nephew about his age and he hasn’t seen him in a while. The old man also told him a story. Tommy was really enjoying the soup, and he really liked the story but he needed to go back home before his mom found out that he was awake. He thanked the old man and headed back to town. In the city he saw an officer. He asked the officer for help.
Where do you live? – said the officer.
I don’t know! I’m lost. - said Tommy as he put his head down.
Don’t you worry! Well find a solution. Come with me! – said the officer
The officer told Tommy to sit at a carpet and hold on very tight. Tommy didn’t understand how a carpet was going to help him. When within a few seconds Tommy was very high up in the sky. He was really high. Even higher than the towers. He could see everything up there. He could even see his house. Even his school. Tommy go to sleep, you have school tomorrow- shouted his mom. Tommy opened his eyes, smiled and went back to sleep.

Xhulio Vasiu
