You are what you eat! 70% of the way you look is your diet and the other 30% is exercising. This is only true if combined. In here is a list of foods that will help you get lean, or stay lean.
... protein helps with the repairing of muscle tissue. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn. For every pound of muscle that you add you burn on average 50 extra calories per day.
..good carbohydrates get you filled fast and will take your hunger away. Carbohydrates speed up your metabolism which means that you will burn more calories through out the day.
- Chicken Breast & Turkey Breast. (Low in fat and very high in protein)
- Black Beans (High in protein, and no saturated fats)
- Salmon (Lean Protein)
- Broccoli (High in fiber and Vitamins)
- Brown Rice (Good carbohydrates that help you burn fat)
- Cucumber (Vitamin A, C and Fiber)
- Grapefruit (Lowers insulin levels)
- Oats (Very high in fiber)
- Egg Whites (Protein and different vitamins)
- Nuts (High in proteins, and lots of good fats)
- Green Tea ( Has antioxidants that will help you burn fat)
- Apples (antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome)
- Olive Oil (Healthy Fats)
- Honey (antibacterial, antiviral, and anti fungal properties)
- Sweet Potatoes (High in carbohydrates and in antioxidants)
- 100% Whole Wheat Pasta (Good Carbohydrates)

..good carbohydrates get you filled fast and will take your hunger away. Carbohydrates speed up your metabolism which means that you will burn more calories through out the day.
3500 calories = 1 Pound
... fiber. We are obviously talking about soluble and dietary fiber. To put it in a simple way it acts as a sponge to remove toxins and other wastes out of your body.
... antioxidants. Antioxidants help keep your organs healthy. Lowers free radicals in your body which brigns up your metabolism. The higher your metabolism..... (you should know the rest of the sentence by now)
Thank You,
... antioxidants. Antioxidants help keep your organs healthy. Lowers free radicals in your body which brigns up your metabolism. The higher your metabolism..... (you should know the rest of the sentence by now)
Thank You,
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