Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To live a healthy lifestyle in terms of fitness, breakfast is mandatory and non negotiable. When you go to sleep your body doesn't receive any fuel for nearly 8 hours. How do you think your body survives without any fuel? What your body does in this case is, it slows down the metabolism and burns energy very slow as it doesn't know when the next meal will be coming. All the food that you ate the night before has either been used up or turned to fat. The second you eat your first meal, your metabolism goes up which means that you will burn more calories through out the day. However most people don't have the appetite to eat a steak in the morning, or pasta etc. I will suggest you a few healthy breakfast options that will get you going.. or at least until lunch time
- 3 Eggs; a glass of milk; yogurt; whole wheat toast; nuts; an apple; a glass of water
- Cereal (Great source of fiber. You need to read the label. Not all cereal is healthy)
- Raspberry, Kiwi, Orange, Strawberries, Blueberries etc can help you lose weight
- Turkey sandwich on ray bread with a glass of milk + an apple
- Sausages with whole wheat toast, One egg, and a smoothie
Thank You,
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