How social media websites can make you a more successful person...

The market that we sell has changed dramatically in the last couple of years due to change in technology as well as better methods of reaching out to people. You can use social networks to improve your chances of success if used right. You will be surprised at how many people I run into who don’t have any social networks at all. I understand that they can be very addictive and you might waste a lot of time; however, that comes down to self discipline, really. If you are not self disciplined one way or the other you will waste valuable time. Having a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc is always good to have as you might one day decide to have a carrier change. While it is true that you will never talk to most of these people, you never know whose going to became who. That being said it doesn't mean that because you happen to have the CEO of McDonald's in your Facebook, you are guaranteed the job; however, it does give you a better chance than someone else with similar experiences as you. That improves your chances of success and to me improvement is worth more than Gold.

One day should you decide to open up your own business you will have 3,000 people to reach out to in the click of a mouse. I have had people that I didn't speak to for five years on Facebook and they bought products for me because of simple Facebook status update.

You can sell and buy simple stuff through your connections. Even if no one in your list isn't buying or selling they might have a friend. This happens way more often than you can imagine. During summer time there was a concert that got sold out first day. Unfortunately, I didn't buy my ticket on time! People were selling tickets at $400 plus. I decided not to go but last minute I bought for $60 because I updated my Facebook status. My "FRIEND" couldn't make it because he had an emergency at work.

I know I have been focusing on Facebook mostly but they all do about the same thing. There are so many different groups that you can join and reach out to people with all kinds of different interests.

If you twitter a company they will respond back to you in less than 5 minutes. I once had a bad experience at TD Bank and my matter wasn't taken seriously. I kept on getting passed around to different people. The second I twittered the bank, in less than 5 minutes the matter was taken care of. They take it very seriously because it’s for the public to see. I even got a personal letter from the regional Vice President explaining the situation.

Although I am very satisfied with my job for the time being, I will often receive job offers on LinkedIn from different companies. Even if I am not interested, I will refer them my friends. Thus far two of my friends have been hired by good companies. This has added value to my social circle and maybe one day the favor will be returned. (Those were not the intentions. I truly care about my friends)

All these being said, it can go the other way around too, if you are not careful on what you decide to share with the public. It truly does create an image of who you are as a person and it can bring down your values. Don't share unprofessional photos or have socially unacceptable statuses. I never understood that. All you're doing is creating a negative image of yourself and nothing good can ever come of it. 

It is little things like this in life that will put you ahead of millions of people. A small improvement here and there will improve your chances of success and get you that much closer to achieving your wildest dreams. 
