Rookie Entrepreneur's Mistake

Hi.. In today's topic we are going to talk about focus. As entrepreneurs we love to do research on every subject and always find different ways to make money. Its an amazing addiction really. We always see the best potential in every business and we see things in such a way where we can take an existing business and make it better. The worlds economy has been driven by us ever since the creation of mankind. We create new jobs out of thin air. While most people go to work at jobs that we have created we are always trying to create new and better jobs. Without us there would be no competition. We create competition. Competition is good. It makes business treat people better and make not only products better but also working conditions better. Give your self a pad on the back.. you truly deserve it.

One of our main problem is that we tend to focus on too many different things at once and most of the time it works against us. While it can be very hard thing to do, you should never be focusing on more than two things at a time. If you are a business man you will never have to face this problem. If you are a confident entrepreneur though you just want to get your hands on every opportunity out there. There are two ways you can go about it:

The first is to focus all your energy in one business while keeping a notepad where you write down your other ideas. As tempting as it may be don't jump onto the other ideas until you have a decent amount of income on the current one. You will always learn new skills while running one business that you can take on to the next one. When you are first starting out you have to focus only one thing. After you have a decent amount of money coming in than you can  hire someone to run the business for you. While it is true that this will cut into your profits now you can focus on management while getting another business started. The idea is to have the money working for you. As an entrepreneur you should love coaching and you must be excellent in persuading others.

The second thing you can do is sell your business. I personally don't like this one because although you might get a good cheque at first, it will be only a matter of time before the money is gone. Unless you are smart and invest it into better things. If you want to live a free and rich life one day you have to manage your business and you have to learn how to do so. Even though it might be hard to find honest people to work with you, a 10% profit at the end of the day is way better than a 100,000 pay-cheque. This is just my personal style that if practiced the right way it will lead you to an early retirement. A retirement stress free because  now you can manage an average of 15 hours per week and you will never have to worry about spending because you will always have money coming in. Me personally even if i retired with 10 Million in the bank I would be worried about running out of money if i didn't have any sort of income coming in

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you usually find yourself focusing on too many different things at the same time or is it just me and my group of friends that do this?

PS. If you are into the stock market check out RWMI. There is a great potential in the stock. 
