There is all kinds of smart phones out there, but only two make it to the top. Blackberry and the I Phone. Which is better?
The BB on the other hand was build for a business mind. If you are a good business men, then you own a BB. As well as the security on the BB is very safe. Its so safe that even if you were to save important information about a whole nation, and you lost it; no one, would find out any information.
Lets start of by comparing the application selection. The BB's application selection is terrible. First of all there aren't that many options, and there aren't as many free ones. The I phone on the other hand allows its costumers, and others to design and sell their own applications. The I phone has thousands and thousands of applications. Thousands of free ones; thousands of paid ones; thousands of good ones; also, thousand of shitty ones.
Which is stronger physically? Due to its touch screen the I Phone screen is very easy to brake. One drop on the floor and your screen is cracked. The BB on the other had is built for business, and no matter how many times you drop it, it will not brake.
Gaming is way easier on the I Phone due to its motion senses, and touch screen.

"The BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution has been approved for storing and transmitting sensitive data by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as well as government organizations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Austria, Australia and New Zealand."
Other Facts
The Camera Quality of the I phone is way better, then the BB.
The internet on the I phone is faster, and easier to use.
The I Phone comes with its own I Pod.
The I Phone has sensors that automatically change the direction of the screen, according to the how you're holding the phone.
Going to your contact list is way easier.
You can type faster.
There are many good sides and bad sides on the I phone, and the BB. It is pretty obvious that I was arguing for the I Phone. Everyone has their own preferences, and I choose the I phone.
- Xhulio Vasiu